No Limits, Only Possibilities
World Book Day 2016
Dear Parents,
On Thursday 3rd March we will be celebrating World Book Day. Our theme for this year is ‘Roald Dahl’ to mark 100 years since the birth of the world famous author. This is an opportunity to promote reading across the school, with each class carrying out a range of Roald Dahl related activities throughout the day.
As you already know, we are inviting children to come dressed as their favourite Roald Dahl character. This will be a colourful and imaginative part of our event, which I hope you will encourage your child to participate in. There will be a ‘best dressed’ winner from each class so get creative with your costumes!
We would really like our 2016 World Book Day event to be for all of the family. As a result, we would like to invite you to your child’s classroom for the afternoon. You can arrive at 2:00pm to have a look at the activities your child has completed during the morning and then you can participate in a book quiz, which will be held in each class, alongside your child and their friends. Do you know your Dahl from your Rowling?
Then please come along and support the event. For parents with children in the Reception classes, you will be able to carry out activities alongside your child. At 3:00pm there will be tea and coffee served in the Old Hall and an opportunity for you to gather information about how you can support your child at home with their reading, book lists and Mrs Scarboro will be on hand to answer any of your questions.
If you would like to attend the World Book Day afternoon events, then please complete the form in the download below and return to school by Monday 29th February.
We are all looking forward to the events and I am sure you agree it is a fun way to promote reading across the school.
Yours Faithfully
Miss V Brown
English Co-ordinator