No Limits, Only Possibilities
Maths at West Hill
Maths Recovery Curriculum 2021
Our current curriculum for maths has been adapted to take into account the two school closures due to lockdowns in 2020 and 2021.
During the summer term 2021, we were following guidance from The NCTEM (National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics) and the Department for Education which suggested we ensure that we teach a smaller maths curriculum, well and in depth, rather than trying to cover every objective. Therefore we used the 'Ready to Progress Criteria' as set out in the DfE document, 'Maths Guidance: KS1 and 2' as the basis of our teaching for this term. we will ensure that our children have a deep understanding of the most important concepts in maths for their year group so they were ready to continue with the White Rose frameworks in September.
You can read more about the 'Ready to Progress Criteria' and Curriculum Prioritisation here:
This was extremely effective in consolidating the children's key skills and from September 2021, they will be following the White Rose schemes of learning to move forward to enable them to cover the maths objectives for their current year group.
Maths Curriculum at West Hill
How we implement maths at West Hill
In order to fulfil our curriculum intent and to ensure that every child can be a fluent mathematician, equipped with the skills of calculation, reasoning and problem solving that they need in life, at West Hill we aim to make sure our maths lessons are broad and balanced, allowing the opportunity to explore mathematical concepts in depth. To inspire children to be future mathematicians we try to provide mathematical experiences that engage the children and make them want to develop their learning further.
Using the White Rose Maths Hub guidance as a guideline, we aim to take the objectives and teach the children in an exciting way that is relevant to real life. We try to ensure that all children, regardless of ability, have access to the chance to access the objectives appropriate for their age so therefore we practice whole class mixed-ability teaching. Teachers provide activities in all lessons which allow children to challenge themselves and extend their learning. Furthermore we also make sure all children are given the chance to practice their fluency, reasoning and problem solving in all lessons either through games, thought-provoking questions, starters, discussion or through the main task they are set. Reasoning is emphasised as an important aspect of maths so even if children understand the procedures for calculating answers, whenever possible they still are encouraged to prove that they understand a concept, either verbally or through writing.
We use our learning muscles (reciprocity, resourcefulness, reflectiveness & resilience) to promote positive attitudes to learning which reflect the values and skills needed to promote responsibility for learning and future success. In maths specifically this means that we have working walls and help desks which are relevant to the current learning and are available for the children to use in all lessons, therefore showing their resourcefulness. Reciprocity is encouraged through peer work and discussion throughout maths lessons, allowing children to support and feed back to one another about their learning. Teacher feedback is responded to by children which promotes reflectiveness and children will often use purple pens and codes to reflect on their learning. Marvellous mistakes are shared, celebrated and displayed and this lets children see that resilience is necessary for progress; it also helps to create a safe environment where children are not afraid to share their answers or ideas.
The National Curriculum and Maths Mastery
At West Hill the teaching of maths is designed to develop the children’s use of knowledge and skills in order to solve a range of problems through reasoning, using and applying and fluency.
There is an emphasis on:
- fluency with understanding – understand the procedure and be able to explain it and know how to use it
- quick accurate recall e.g. number bonds, times tables
- precision
- problem solving including the ability to reason, justify, prove and explain ideas using the correct mathematical vocabulary
- mental expectations are explicit e.g. understand and use mental strategies to help solve more complex problems more efficiently
- algebra is taught explicitly in year 6
The National Curriculum expectations are set out for each year group under the following domains:
- Number and place value
- Addition & subtraction
- Multiplication & division
- Fractions
- Measurement
- Geometry – properties of shapes
- Geometry – position & direction
- Statistics
Key Stage 1
At West Hill we aim to ensure that the children develop confidence and fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value e.g. being able to recognise, read, write order and count using numbers to at least 100. They will also develop a solid understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using the related vocabulary and will be introduced to the concept of fractions.
Children will be introduced to the world of shape (2D and 3D) and will develop their knowledge through drawing, sorting, comparing and describing using vocabulary such as faces, edges, sides, square, cube, symmetry, right angles etc. The children will experience measures through a range of activities linked to length, mass, capacity/volume, time and money.
By the end of KS1 the children should know their number bonds to 20, know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables and have a good understanding of place value. We aim to provide the children with plenty of practice through practical work (e.g. using objects, pictures, number lines etc.) to ensure fluency within maths.
Lower KS2 (Years 3 & 4)
Our aim is to increase the children’s fluency with number, the four operations and place value by building on from the work in KS1. We will be focusing on developing the children’s written methods and carrying out calculations with larger numbers. The children will also extend their knowledge of fractions and the links with decimals and will be expected to know their times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4.
Children’s knowledge of shape, space and measure will be developed through reasoning so they can analyse the properties of shapes and the relationships between them, measure with increasing accuracy and make links between measure and number through everyday contexts.
Upper KS2 (Years 5 & 6)
The main focus within upper KS2 is to extend the children’s understanding of the number system and place value, using larger numbers including negative numbers. We will build on their knowledge and understanding of the four number operations and encourage the links between multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, percentages and ratio. The children will expected to use efficient written and mental calculation methods in order to solve a range of problems and will be introduced to the concept of algebra.
By the end of KS2 all children should be fluent in written methods for all 4 operations, including long multiplication and division and their work in fractions, decimals and percentages.
The teaching of geometry and measure will be used to consolidate and extend their knowledge developed in number. They will experience more complex concepts within these areas e.g. conversion of units of measure, calculation of area, perimeter and volume and be expected to use and understand the related vocabulary.
At West Hill we aim to incorporate all of the above key skills and knowledge across both key stages, teaching the children to apply these through a variety of problem solving activities, develop their reasoning and fluency and allow them to become competent and confident mathematicians.
Cross Curricular links
There are many different areas where we will be able to develop the children’s key skills and knowledge e.g. sorting, interpreting data, drawing graphs, measuring, reading scales through other subjects such as Geography, Science, Design & Technology and Computing. We believe that this will help and support the children’s understanding of different concepts and see them being used in everyday contexts.
Mastery Approach
Mastering maths means pupils acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject.
The phrase ‘teaching for mastery’ describes the elements of classroom practice and school organisation that combine to give pupils the best chances of mastering maths.
Achieving mastery means acquiring a solid enough understanding of the maths that’s been taught to enable pupils to move on to more advanced material.
Maths in Early Years
In Reception, the chidren learn through their child initiated sessions, where there are hundreds of opportunities to explore the world of maths through play; this is alongside daily 'Magic Maths' lessons. The adults that work in Reception are constantly questioning the children and providing them with experiences to extend their knowledge of number and geometry.
Reception maths overview using new framework for 2021
White Rose
At West Hill, we use the White Rose plans and resources to support our teaching of maths. The White Rose documents support a maths mastery approach and allow children to consolidate their learning in each area of maths before moving on to the next topic.
Year 1 overview
Year 2 overview
Year 3 overview
Year 4 overview
Year 5 overview
Year 6 overview
Parent Information
How can you help your child with their maths?
Maths in EYFS
Magic Maths
Maths Calculation at West Hill
Homework help
We set weekly homework from Mathletics which can be accessed via the link:
You can access Mathletics from tablets, phones and computers and the children will be set weekly homework by their teachers based on that week's learning.
If you need help understanding the Mathletics programme, please see the console map below.
We also provide the children from Years 2-6 with access to Times Table Rock Stars. Although there is no weekly expectation that the children use TTRS, it is a fantastic resource which the children love and it helps them to learn those essential times table facts. See the attached letter below for more information.
Maths for you to try at home
Below are some examples of questions and activities that you could do at home with your child if you wish to.