No Limits, Only Possibilities
World Book Day
Dear Parents and Carers,
With World Book Day fast approaching, I wanted to remind you of a few activities that are taking place at school on Thursday 7th March.
Children are able to dress up as a book character of their choice.
Entries for the story in a jar competition should be given to your child's class teacher by Tuesday 5th March.
Our pop-up reading café will be held from 2:15pm until 3:30pm in the New Hall on Thursday 7th March. Please complete the reply slip if you have not already done so, so that we can cater for the correct numbers.
On the day, please use the front entrance of the school. There will be some Y6 children to meet you and will take you to collect your child from their class. Children will need to be signed out from the classroom.
During the reading café, there will be a chance to swap books so please remember to bring in any books you have at home that you no longer want by Tuesday 5th March.
If your children would like to make cakes for the café then please bring those in on Thursday 7th March.
It should be a fun day and we look forward to sharing it with you. Please do not hesitate to contact me or your child's class teacher for more information.
Kind regards
Vicki Brown
Assistant Head Teacher for LKS2
English Leader
West Hill Primary Academy