No Limits, Only Possibilities
School Update
Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope you are all keeping well and safe in these uncertain times. Just a reminder that the school phone lines are open daily, 9am - 5pm. Do not hesitate to call if you require any assistance at all. If you have an emergency outside of these times, then please email
Due to parent evening cancellations, your child's class teacher (Year 1 - Year 6 only, not Reception) has written an end of Term 4 report. These have been posted today using 2nd class post. They should be with you by the end of the week. Please email the class teacher if you have any questions about the content of these reports and they will get back to you within 72 hours.
We have been amazed at the response to Class Dojo; the majority of parents have signed up and are actively engaging with the tasks set by teachers. If you haven't signed up yet, please do. There is no expectation to do all of the activities, but if we can communicate with your child regularly we know they are safe. I will be calling any families that have not signed up this week to find out if there is a problem, fix any issues where possible and ensure children are safe and well. The creativity and standard of information uploaded so far has been extremely impressive! Well done West Hill - it is so important to stay connected.
The teachers will not be uploading tasks over the Easter holidays, but Mrs Wickenden (West Hill's RE Leader) will be posting some whole school fun suggestions to do as a family. Any work can be uploaded to class stories and teachers can then share on the school story. We can't wait to see what you produce! Teachers will be uploading again from the 16th April onwards, so please sign back in if you are having a Dojo break over the Easter period.
Please, please keep safe; heed government advice, practise social distancing, wash those hands and stay in touch. We are missing the whole school community loads and can't wait to get the West Hill Family all back safe and sound.
Sara White
Head of School