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Kent Tests

Dear Parents and Carers of Year 6,


Thank you to all those who attended the Meet the Teacher sessions last night, I hope you found these useful and informative.

As promised, please find details on the arrangements for the Kent Tests.


Kent Tests (11+) will take place on Thursday 12th September in the New School Hall.

The tests will start promptly at 9am, so please ensure your child is in school on time if they are registered to take these.

There will be a break mid-morning and of course lunch, but the tests aim to finish at approximately 2.45pm.

Timed verbal, non-verbal and maths will take place in the morning, whilst the afternoon will be the writing task.

The tests will be administered by Amanda Robertson and Lucy Larner who know your children well and are experienced in the processes; a member of staff from Wentworth Primary School will adjudicate.

You will have registered online with KCC and you can check the portal for confirmation – alternatively please speak to your child’s teacher, Todd Sillett or myself who will check the in-school list and confirm.

Unfortunately, unlike Bexley, you do not get written confirmation through Kent.


Any children also taking the Bexley or Medway Tests will need to contact the school office and let them know the dates and times your child will not be in school so that we can authorise the absence.


For those children not wishing to take part in the Kent Tests, you will be in class doing some fun, exciting & challenging work linked to your topic.


Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions – we are always happy to help.

Kind regards,


Sara White

Head of School

West Hill Primary Academy


No Limits, Only Possibilities
