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Careers Week - Astronaut

As part of Careers Week, the pupils of The Galaxy Trust have the opportunity to connect with a real-life NASA astronaut, direct from Houston,
. Skyping live between West Hill Primary and the USA a group of lucky children from Oakfield, Temple Hill and West Hill will have the chance to virtually meet a NASA astronaut with some lucky children having the opportunity to ask a question.

Demand for places will be VERY high, so here’s how you enter.

Think of a question you would like to ask our NASA astronaut, as well as answer the tie break question for your chance to be involved. All winners will be announced on Friday 22nd June, before the Skype Session on Monday 25th June, in school time.

Closing date for entries: WEDNESDAY 13TH JUNE.
All entries to be returned to the child’s school office. Thank you.



No Limits, Only Possibilities
